Book chapter about grounded theory and drawn diagrams in a book about research methodology

Grounded theory and drawn diagrams

In this chapter Unnur Óttarsdóttir explains how she used drawn diagrams in a research where the methodology of grounded theory was applied.  

The drawings were applied for:

  1. Creating concepts
  2. Creating in-depth understanding of phenomena
  3. Abstract description
  4. Examining the connection between phenomena, categories and concepts
  5. Building theories
  6. Facilitating creativity and intuition. 

Unnur Óttarsdottir (2013) Grunduð kenning og teiknaðar skýringarmyndir. (Grounded Theory and Drawn Diagrams). In: Sigríður Halldórsdóttir (Ed.), Handbók í aðferðafræði rannsókna (pp. 361-375). Akureyri: University of Akureyri.

ISBN: 9789979724414

Keywords: Drawing, diagrams, research, connecting, grounded theory, understanding, creativity