Listmeðferð Unnar

ECArTE conference in Vilnius

I had a great time in Vilnius last week where I attended the conference "MEMORY: Shaping Connections in the Arts Therapies". A variety of interesting topics were revealed at the conference, like how women e.g. in Africa, who have been abused, come together to embroider and tell their stories which empowers them so that they can move from being victims to continuing with their lives and participating in society (tutor: Tally Tripp from the US). I gave the lecture "Processing Emotions and Memorising Coursework through Memory Drawing" where I discussed how children can express deep and difficult memories through drawings and how extremely effective drawing is for memorizing.

Vilnius is a beautiful city; the people are friendly and the food is good. It was a pleasure to be there last week with about 200 arts therapists from all over the world.


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