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This lecture revolves around grounded theory with an emphasis on drawn diagrams, which are tangible images of ideas in the form of charts, graphs and drawn pictures. Diagrams are comparable to written notes, but when diagrams are used instead of written text they become visual representations of conceptual thought processes. The goal with diagrams is […]
In this lecture, a review is provided of the creative art therapy methods that are applied in research. Grounded theory research methodology, which was applied when analysing the data in art therapy research, is also introduced. The research aim was to design, study and test a therapeutic method that could facilitate coursework learning and enhance […]
In this lecture it is discussed how the abstract thinking involved in the process of creating art can nourish and cultivate the work of researchers and academics. The lecture elucidates the factors that both academics and artists have in common as they engage in the process of creating new knowledge, projects or theories. Visual art […]
This lecture presents: Lecture held before 2014 Nú er námsfærni endurheimt með skrifmyndum. (Now We Reclaim Learning Skills through Writing-images). H-21 Symposium, Reykjavík Academy, Reykjavík. See here: and
The workshop is a continuation of the course Research Methodology – Lecture II: Art Therapy Research, Grounded Theory and Drawn Diagrams. Participants are invited to participate in a creative project which offers insight into the diverse opportunities entailed in art making and its contributions to research and academia. No prior experience or knowledge of creative […]