Research Methodology – Lecture IV: Now We Reclaim Learning Skills through Writing-Images
![Reclaim Learning Skills through Writing-Images](
This lecture presents:
- Research methodology of the introduced study
- Art therapy
- Educational psychotherapy
- Writing-images
- The impact of art educational therapy
- Ways to reclaim learning skills
- Academic research and writing-images
Lecture held before
2014 Nú er námsfærni endurheimt með skrifmyndum. (Now We Reclaim Learning Skills through Writing-images). H-21 Symposium, Reykjavík Academy, Reykjavík. See here: and
Ottarsdottir, U. 2013 Grunduð kenning og teiknaðar skýringarmyndir. (Grounded Theory and Drawn Diagrams). In: Sigríður Halldórsdóttir (Ed.), Handbók í aðferðafræði rannsókna (Handbook of Research Methodology) (pp. 361-375). Akureyri: University of Akureyri.
Ottarsdottir, U. 2018 Art therapy to Address Emotional Well-being of Children who have Experienced Stress and/or Trauma. In: A. Zubala & V. Karkou (Eds.), Arts Therapies in the Treatment of Depression: International Research in the Arts Therapies (pp. 30-47). Oxford: Routledge.