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The Memory Drawing Research Presented at the World Art Therapy Conference

Dr. Unnur Óttarsdóttir at the World Art Therapy Conference 2025

Dr. Unnur Óttarsdóttir has been invited, alongside respected art therapists, to speak at the World Art Therapy Conference 2025. She will present, 8th of February 2025, her research on memory and drawing.

The potential of memory drawing, a technique developed by Óttarsdóttir, as a method for enhancing memory retention and supporting emotional well-being will be reviewed in the presentation. The presented research, involving 134 children and 262 adults, demonstrated that drawing significantly enhances memory recall compared to writing, particularly for individuals who struggle with memorizing written words. According to the study results, those who easily remember written words remember their drawings more easily than written words in the long run. Additionally, the study examined memory retention over various time intervals, showing that drawing is generally five times more effective than writing when recalling after nine weeks.

Memory drawing holds particular relevance in therapeutic and educational settings, offering the dual benefit of improving recall while providing a medium for processing emotions. Case studies with children facing specific learning difficulties and emotional stress reveal that drawing not only aids in memorizing coursework but also in processing emotions. This dual capacity of memory drawing—to strengthen memory and facilitate emotional well-being—marks it as an innovative approach in educational and therapeutic settings.

At the end of the presentation, the participants will be able to:

  1. Analyze how memory drawing enhances memory retention and benefits individuals with diverse memory capabilities.
  2. Assess the dual potential of memory drawing to improve recall and support emotional processing in therapeutic and educational settings.
  3. Explore research findings on memory retention and the comparative effectiveness of drawing versus writing over time.

All lectures are online, free, and open to everyone interested. 
For more information and registration:

Other talks on 8-9 February are by:
Lauri Nummenmaa, Cathy Malchiodi, PhD, LPAT, LPCC, REAT, Arne Dietrich, Cornelia Elbrecht, Juliet L. King PhD, ATR-BC, LPC, LMHC, Linda Gantt, ATR-BC, LPC, LMHC, Marian Liebmann, Ingrid Penzes, Leetal Caidar Benzvi, PhD, HeeSu Jeon and Anna Abraham

Over 10,000 participants from around the world attended last year's conference. Carmen Oprea and the @Creative Arts Therapies Events team organized this impactful global platform for sharing and learning about art therapy.

8-9 February - Art Therapy and Neuroscience
15-16 February - Working with Grief, Death, and Loss
22-23 February 2025 - The Role of Art Materials and Techniques

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